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San Francisco Bay Area

Who am I?
June 2022

You've reached this page probably through a copyright footer. My interests are broadly philosophical, psychological, and literary.

If you want to know more, beyond what you find through this site, I welcome that! E-mail me.

re: Googling my name: I’ve never worked for any park service (and I’m not married to Dorothy, whom I’ve never met); nor am I a medium for religious music, nor computer obsessed (I live in Berkeley), nor a retired underwriter, nor a pharmacologist, nor into real estate, nor dead (as of the above header date). And I never sign comment online without using my middle initial, ‘gary e.,’ Also, I try to include ‘berkeley’ in signatures because I have a common first and last name.


footer note: to be fair...

...is, in mathematics and scientific theory, a matter of elegance (and realism); in drama, a matter of presence; in ethics, a matter of due diligence; in writing, a matter of itself—and likely not being one’s own best custodian:

Please let me know about links that don't work or especially if my simply-constructed pages don't load right on your platform. Thanks. Learning never ends, you know.

All gedavis.com content is © copyright, current year, by Gary E. Davis. Fair use with fair citation is OK. I endorse
the Creative Commons. The entire site is periodically archived in a date stamped manner to know when material
was first available.

My urls are reliable for citation. (Items first posted in 2004, for example, still have the same urls.)

For text by me that’s quoted, use an in-line link to the quoted page: “:...‘[quoted]’ (Davis, []year)....”. For non-Web reference lisings:

Davis, Gary E., [year]. “[Title].” Retrieved [date] from [URL]

Inclusion of "https://www." in a cited URL isn’t necessary anymore, of course.

Pages may become slightly revised, but not much nor often, because pages become archival, yet still available, for developing interests, which may link back from a later version, to show development. If an old url doesn't work, that's probably because the ‘http://’ has become ‘https://’.

I'm for maximal free flow of ideas, but I'm also for respecting due credit. That's the way to foster and sustain a community of engagement. So, I gladly credit sources of influence, for that sake. If I've slipped up, please let me know. I don't need to pose others' work as my own.

Please, let me know what you're doing, so I can be influenced by you !

Thanks for your interest.