discursive living CONTACT

  new in sites:
recent: january 10 and earlier

jan. 27: there being “Dasein”

jan. 22: Heidegger and “technology”

jan. 20: on a way to original thinking

jan. 24: open interality...

feb 7: Cartesian vs. hermeneutical sensibility

Feb 7: becoming post-Heideggerian

sense of this site, as of...
February 2025
all conceptual venturing

To cell phone readers: Sorry.
  February 14

No update—except to confess that working with hundreds of pages of offline notes can become vertiginous. More online coming soon, before March 1,
I hope.

Feb 7
“...sensibility” above addresses interest in why scholars continue to invalidly associate Heidegger with sympathy for nazism, but I don’t get into detail about surviving those times. “Becoming post-Heideggerian” overviews what I’m generally doing with Heidegger’s thinking. I want to leave Heideggerian interests behind, much as I’m thankful for the influence. Though I would enjoy sharing a close reading of any of “his” texts-in-English, I have more than enough attraction to other engagements.

Feb 1
I expect to post more before Feb. 15, but I’m open to getting “lost” again in conceptual prospecting.

Jan. 27
My Jan. 27 discussion is part of interest in relativizing my Project to old father Martin; and now has a follow up posting, “for intimacy of time being,” linked at the bottom of “there being...”).

Jan. 24
“Open interality in released Flow of immersion” recalls 2024 pages on interality in a narrative of their links free associating with the conception, which will sprout more topics soon.

Jan. 22
reflections relative to the publisher’s description for an upcoming book on Heidegger and scientific industries.

Jan. 20
“On a way...” is a Heideggerian preface which shares my sense of his pragmatic originality.

next check-in: March 1






Be fair. It’s beautiful. © 2025, gary e. davis. All footers on other pages link to the bottom of this page, in case
I someday change my fun copyright page link.